月曜日, 1月 10, 2011

GoogleVis Example for data iris

here is a well-known dataset iris version of googleVis.

iris$time <- rep(1:50, 3)
r <- gvisMotionChart(iris, "Species", "time")

Data: iris, Chart ID: MotionChart_2011-01-11-00-28-04

R version 2.12.1 (2010-12-16),

Google Terms of Use

2 件のコメント:

Kr Pkm さんのコメント...

Hello Dear,
I have seen your example, I did the same thing before but I want overcome with one problem. How can we change year in the motion chart. I want to put something else instead of year.
Hope you understand what I mean to say. I will appreciate if you will look over it.

calvin さんのコメント...

You sure it works? Got nothing on my screen, at job and at home..